The Unsinkable Canoe. This is a book
written for you. For me. Anybody. Anywhere.
For those people really wanting
To move ahead and change their lives for the better.
And the betterment of those around them.
It takes you on a fun filled journey:
Explaining step by step.
In clear simple language,
how to confidently take control of your life.
Through the transforming powers of Self-love.
A Love exclusively focusing on your very own
wellbeing and happiness.
Allowing the sun within to shine without.
It’s about you becoming a better you.
In all areas of your life.
Enabling better expression, joy,
and freedom through the feelings
that Self-love bring about.
And goes on to explain clearly
why this must take place firstly before
anything else around you can change.
Leading to a happier and more fulfilled
and engaging life experience!
As you grow through Self-love,
so does the world you live in.
Now it’s up to you.
What will you do?